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 I’m a wife, dog owner, and mother of two. My Son and Daughter are 18 months apart and have filled my life with so much joy. Along with that joy has come a lot of business and chaos. As I have ventured into mother hood determined to be a loving, fun, kind, caring mother I have also taken on creative hobbies. It has always been a passion of mine to craft, design, and style, from home decor to throwing parties. So why not design a chewelry line that has style and function! I have enjoyed selecting colours and styles to suit every mama and their tiny babes, I hope you enjoy them too!

Teagan & Finn jewelry is made from BPA, FDA approved, food grade silicon. Designed with your little ones in mind. Each necklace comes with a breakaway clap that wont get broken when pulled on. The colours and unique style of beads help promote nursing, giving your baby something to look at and hold while feeding.


Teether and soother straps are a great way to keep your babies toys and soothers from ending up on the ground. You can clip them or loop them to all kinds of things including, car seats, clothing, bouncy chairs, blankets, etc.


And our teethers are a great way to give your baby comfort during the tough days of teething.


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